
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Filip Habrman

Dear partners,

Firstly I do sorry for not writing on this blog, but my work for UN is incredibly busy at the moment. It was the reason why I did not socialized myself quite a lot with all of you, because I have been thinking during the first meeting about the humanitarian mission in Libya, which is under my leadership. Sorry ones again. I promise, next time in Italia will be much better from the site of mine, at least I hopeJ
Now, let’s say a little bit about the first meeting. Thanks to Mariana, it was good; we could meet each other and start nicely our work. The presentations which were caring through the first day were very interesting for us. On basic of these presentations we could get known more about your work.

During second day, we were more than happy to go a visit the local Roma people on the periphery, even if, you all participated nice conference with young people in the university. But you know, if we are somewhere, where other organizations are concentrated on Roma people work, then there is no point not to go and find out more about the local work with Roma people. Please, it did not mean, that we are not interested to join the conference in the university, but to see Roma people in Romania seemed to me more interesting not only for me. Thanks for understanding!

Anyway, thanks to all for great meeting...

Take care a see u in Italy

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Next Project Meetings

1. Verona, Italy : March 2012, from 7th to 11th . 7th and 11th are the travelling days. 8th,9h and 10th are the working days.
2. Cyprus: June 2012 from June 27th to July 1st

3. Sweden: December 2012, from 6th to 10th . Travelling days 6th,10th( Thursday and Monday). Working days 7th,8th,9th .

4. Maribor, Slovenia: March 2013, from 20th to 24th

5. Barcelona, Spain, July 2013, from 4th to 8th.

Fedback from Portugal, Henrique and Jose

Report of the Portuguese delegation to the Meeting,

in Baia Mare,

2-6 November 2011,

Young And Adults for a Better Life

First of all we want to make our witness and appreciation for the way we were received by the project coordinator Mrs. Mariana Gabriela Hudrea.
Reception so warm and kind to us, especially coming from a distant country we did not know.
Secondly we have to mention the good organization of the Meeting, whose agenda was as complete as diverse, in order to put in intergenerational clash of views towards young people and adults work together for a better life, clearly evident in the exhibition and presentations of the themes chosen by the representatives of the countries present.
It was also, for us, very important and rewarding debate on the generation GAP, organized by the National Association of College ME, as has become very interesting to analyze the impact of the economic crisis we are experiencing the population and the county of Maramures County.
As far will the recreational and cultural visits we want to highlight the visits to the Museum of Mineralogy, the Petre Dulfu County Library, the Monastery and bassana Surdesti Wooden Church.
In short, it was with great pleasure and profit we participate in this Meeting in Baia Mare, and concluded that the objectives were fully met by the organization in charge of Mrs. Mariana Hudrea whom we address our sincere congratulations on the success of this Meeting

Henrique Machado

José Moreira

Helena Ehrstrand

THANKS to energetic and caring host Mariana and her devoted crew of
local supporters.
The kick off in Baia Mare was building a solid platform for 2 year of
Mariana did not forget about anything! Always there and always
activating us all around her.
Mariana is an excellent ambassador for her hometown and her country!
Also the local program was well balanced: visiting disability centre,
library and local school, seeing local history and nature.
I will never forget this part of Rumania - and I will always have a
wish to come back.
Now we have got a model for further meetings.
THANKS again!
Helena Ehrstrand

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Generation Gap- Paula Ghete

“Young and Adults for a Better Life” is a European project that aims at bringing together people of different ages, from different backgrounds in order to cooperate and try to find ways to bridge the generation gap and help people create better lives for themselves.

I believe that the discussion between the project partners and the students from the “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Baia mare, Romania, was really important for the project since all of us, young and adults, talked together about the generation gap, the relationship between teenagers and their parents and the most important values in our lives.

One of the most important conclusions that we could draw from that discussion was that, even though young people usually share the values of their parents, a generation gap still exists.

The students were asked to mention 3 of the values that are important in their and their parents’ lives. As far as I can recall, almost every student shared the values of their parents which proves that the beliefs of the parents have a very strong influence on their children’s lives and understanding of the world. Then why is there a generation gap?

It seems that even though we understand the world in a similar way, we live and experience it in different ways.

For example, the way we communicate with each other has changed dramatically over the last decades due to the development of technology. Nowadays young people are used to live at a faster pace and they expect to get everything they want as soon as possible. This is why today we can talk about the “want it now” generation.

Another aspect that we could notice was that our problems are universal – the problems that young and adult people deal with are very similar (e.g. the generation gap) and exist in all the countries that are represented by the project partners. Of course, these problems might be different on a national and local level, but nevertheless, I believe that we could all work together and try to find out how to bridge this generation gap and help people, young and adults alike, create better lives for themselves.

Overall, this discussion was definitely a win-win activity. On one hand, the students from the “Mihai Eminescu” College had the chance to get familiar with the “Young and Adults for a Better Life” project and with the people that are involved in it (all of whom are amazing people, I have to add). They also had the opportunity to express themselves freely and speak up as representatives of the young generation.

On the other hand, for us, the people that are involved in the project, this discussion was beneficial because the students spoke their minds and provided us with an insight into their minds, lives and world.

In a nutshell, this debate was significant because we could observe the people around us and try to understand them and the way this ubiquitous generation gap has an impact on their lives, as individuals.

Judging by this discussion, I would say that when people really are driven by the desire to change something in the world, they can do that. After all, if each and everyone of us decided to live according to Mahatma Gandhi’s quote - “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – the world would be a better place to live in
Paula Ghete


Friday, November 11, 2011

Paula Ghete

The last three days that I have spent taking part in the activities of the project were quite amazing.

Firstly I'm glad I got to meet so many extraordinary people. I've realized that even though we are all different as humans and we all come from different backgrounds, we all share the same goals and values - respect for everybody around us and desire to help the people that are in need.

Secondly, I'm extremely pleased I had the opportunity to practice my English and also practice my still developing interpreting skills.

Thirdly, overall, everything was a great experience that made me feel really happy and believe in myself, in the people I have met and in the development of the project.

Paula Ghete

Ivo & Salvatore

Dear partners, we are back home and from here we want to thank Mariana again for the full success of the meeting. From the beginning till the end, kindness, competence and promptness were performed by Mariana and her team and we felt really at ease. You personally, dear Mariana, were solicitous towards all of us and your coordination was splendid.Accommodation and food were nice. The visit to the Esperando association, where we could see how people with special needs were attended and nursed, was impressive. Really engaging was the meeting at school where, through interaction between young and adult, common values were strongly highlighted and clearly expressed by interventions of the students. In this meeting participants have had adequate space to present themselves and to express opinions and points of view. Activities in agendawere well distributed and completely fulfilled. Participants, young and adult, showed themselves as excellent personas. Relationships were easy and constructive. Visits were all deeply interesting and showed us precious aspects of Romania: treasures of mineralogy, fascinating forests, villages and monasteries. We think that this European projecthas taken off brilliantly. The most kindly and friendly regards, Ivo and Salvatore from Italy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Billy and Carol, UK

Visit to Romania

Grundtvig Project

2 – 7 November 2011

This was the first meeting of all the partners.  Unfortunately Cyprus could not make it and Poland arrived late.

The first day was opened by Mariana the lead co-ordinator.  She introduced everyone to the audience.

Each country introduced their organisation by showing a powerpoint and in the afternoon they gave presentations about successful projects.

Day two was interesting.  A visit to a charity followed by a debate with young people in the language school.  Although the meeting started slowly it finished very productively. Later that afternoon the co-ordinators met and discussed future meetings and what still had to be produced.

We all had a festive meal on the first evening.  It was a successful dinner, where all participants got to know each other and started to make friends, using the piano and guitar.  This was helped by some very good wine thanks to our Slovenian partners!!

On Saturday, we met the Polish team, who arrived late, because of problems at Warsaw airport.

Saturday was a culture day and I really enjoyed it.  We have a typical lunch with all partners before going back to the hotel.  Later Billy and I spent a very enjoyable evening with our new friends from Italy and Sweden.

The group mixed very well and I think the project will have some very good outcomes.

As we mentioned in the meeting the balance between work and culture was in our opinion excellent.  We would like to thank the Romanian team for a wonderful organised event.

 I look forward to the next meeting in Italy

 Billy and Carol (UK).

Daniela Buda

Dear Mariana Hudrea

Thank you for inviting me to the Conference Young and Adults for a Better Life, which took place on November 3, 2011.

It was an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. It was also good to find out about those exceptional projects that your partners shared with us. Listening to them presenting those projects gave me more ideas to be used in future projects. I have also had the occasion to meet possible future partners for my projects.

As I said at the conference, I consider you my Mentor in writing, coordinating and implementing Comenius and other types of projects. Thank you very much for that.

Here are some results from my work:

Daniela Buda

Feedbacks, after two days

1.I like very much to participate in this meeting.
Congratulations, Mariana and your team!
Thank you for these days.
Henrique and Jose , Portugal

2.Both days impressed me quite a lot. We all from Czech came to meet new partners, to recognize new organizations or institutions included in the project. Both days went nicely , the program was pretty  full of inspiration , new positive ways to reach good results of the project, etc.
Anyway , the coordinator of the project prepared very nice  time in Baia Mare and as I already said, we all learnt new things which are going to be good for the future.- HOPEFULLY.

3.+ Feel enriched by new information and knowing new interesting people.
+ Very new and interesting experience with such project.
­­- A little worried that we talked about new thoughts and ideas. But just now is time to make the ideas come true- and that’s more important and more difficult than talking.
( Anonymous)

4. I am really pleased to be here. Thanks to Mariana for her wonderful organization.
Her colleagues have done an excellent job in this first meeting.
We have started in a nice way and the first step of our project has been useful.
Sharing knowledge, good moments and meet such nice people is an excellent feedback.
As a personal opinion, I believe that we have to work a little more about our project. As dissemination meeting has been excellent but I have missed, maybe, some work about the next steps of the project.
Monica Moreno

5. We really enjoyed this seminar. It is the first project we develop with such an amount of partners and participants, and for us it has been a great experience having met so many people and having shared our knowledge and experiences.
We want also to thank you for managing in such a successful way the whole organization, both for the project as for the seminar and its logistics.
We consider it is very interesting the visits and the conferences  you organized, although we maybe missed  some  working hours.
Once more, thanks for all your well done work.

 6. I was really pleased with all your organization. I’ve been really comfortable during these days. I learnt lots of things and met extraordinary people! The dissemination was reallt astonishing and I feel proud to belong to this team.
I hope this was also nice for you as it has been for me.
See you soon in Italy; I hope we will sing Spanish songs.

 7. Enjoyed the days very much. The balance between work and free time was excellent+ short lunches& choice of both together & own.
Thank you!
I am concerned about the amount of e-mails I receive, when some items do not concern me.

8. Thank you Mariana for the welcome and fantastic organization of our conference.
I have had a fantastic time in Romania. And I believe that this project will be a great success and look  forward to seeing you all in Italy.

 9. THANKS to coordinator for well-prepared reception and good performed kick off.
The balance: conference-meeting- locals was excellent.
The glittery eyes of the students in school impressed. They we so open and active!
Only plus and plus for the Romanian host!!!
Also THANKS for coordinating application- the work  done made the start motivated  and full of energy and inspiration.
Congratulations to Mariana G. Hudrea ( and her supportive team).

10. Like usual I am very satisfied with the decision of taking part in an European project; these 2 days were full of interesting things, I had the opportunity  to meet  different people (all of them lovely!), to participate in a very special event like the debate upon the subject of “the generation gap” and  to plan future interesting meetings. I was very happy during the reunion!

 11. Feeling very well. Meeting wonderful and devoted people to solve the world problems. Learned many things.
Very good atmosphere. Very good organized meeting.

12. I was very much surprised by the “method” of starting a project.
I imagined something different but it seems I was wrong. What I saw here seemed very easy. I was prepared for something more difficult and more exact, more minute, fuller of content.

13. It has been beautiful and instructive. I have learnt how a multinational team is being built and how it constructs its aim. I felt responsible towards the team, towards the people who trusted me, towards the community I belong to and why not towards my country. I feel a little bit frustrated that I cannot speak English well enough. As a whole: I feel myself very much motivated to improve my contribution and my competences.
Florentina. RO

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Georgiana Achim

Dear Mrs. Hudrea

First of all, I want to thank you again for allowing me to take part in this wonderful experience. This was the first time I have ever participated in a European Project and I must admit that it opened up a new world for me. Everything was very well organized and the Romanian team had an excellent leader, who made all of this possible and who was the liaison that finally turned the group into a family, where nationality and age were not important. Our leader watched over us like a mother watches over her children.

What I loved most on this project was the constant communication between the adults and young people. Despite the age difference, everybody could find one or more interests in common and then debate and discuss different aspects of life. Also, mind-blowing was the willingness of the young people to listen and learn from the experiences of the adults and also to engage in helping others. In just three days, the partners managed to get acquainted with each other, to present their work and finally to become good friends. When the trip ended, I returned home both joyful because of the divine time I had, and sad because I knew all the wonderful people I've met were leaving, but at the same time I was full of hope and faith in this project because now I have seen its beauty and potential.

In my opinion, this is a wonderful project which is bound to be successful due to amazing people who prepared and planned in detail everything and due to their determination, their abilities to accomplish everything they set their minds on.

I can only hope that there will be other great projects like this one which will change people's life for the better and that after this project, all the partners and learners will enhance their family spectrum and that the generation gap will slowly fade away.

Projects like this have the opportunity to change the world.

Thank you very much for everything!

Georgiana Achim

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ramona Mic Cosma

Dear Mrs. Hudrea, dear and wonderful  project partners  and participants in the International Conference from Baia Mare, November 2011 ,of the project Young and adults for a better life ,
First of all I want to thank you for your invitation to participate in  this conference and for the occasion that you gave me to  get acquainted with such a necessary and beautiful project, and the partners involved in its implementation , partners that impressed me with their experience in social and educational projects .
Personally I am proud to have had the opportunity to participate in  this conference that was loaded with positive thoughts and deeds,  as a former student of Mrs. Hudrea and as Chief Bureau of Regional Development at Maramures County Council.
I wish you success and you can count on me for further participation in different activities for other projects that you shall implement in the future.
With much respect for your work,
Ramona Mic Cosma

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Generation Gap- Debate

Location: Mihai Eminescu National College
People  involved in the debate: 112
1.  Young People aged 16-19
2. The Grundtvig teams  from: Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain,Sweden, UK and Romania