
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Agenda of the Meeting

2 November

Arrival of Participants
3 November

International Conference
 “ Intergenerational Solidarity”
 Project Teams Meeting
Guests Arrival
Official Opening
Welcoming Speeches from the part of local officials (Mayoralty, Baia Mare City Council, Maramures County Council, Maramures County Scool Inspetorate, Maramures House of the Teaching Staff, CJAPP Maramures, AJOFM Maramures, Petre Dulfu County Library, Esperando Association )

Presentation of the Grundtvig Project
“Young and Adults for a Better Life”
Introduction  the Partner  Institutions from:
1.        Romania: Info Project, coordinating institution. Coordinator: Mrs. Mariana  Gabriela Hudrea
2.       Cyprus: Eυρωπολιτισμοσ- Euroculture
              Coordinator: Mr. Kleanthis Symeonides
3.       The Czech Republic , Diecézní charita ostravsko-opavská. Coordinator: Mr. Filip Habrman
4.       Hungary, Telek 23 KFT (SITE 23 LTD)
             Coordinator: Mrs. Fazekas Katalin
5.       Italy, Polo Europeo della Conoscenza-
IC      LORENZI. Presenters: Ivo Zambello,                       Salvatore  Filella

Break, socializing
6.       Poland, Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Rozwoju Gminy Zychlin. Coordinator: Mrs. Iwona Kciuk
7.       Portugal, Junta de Freguesia da Vila de S. Tomé de Negrelos. Coordinator: Mr. José Moreira
8.       Slovenia, Znanstveno raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturno-izobraževalne programe in tehnologijo EpeKa. Coordinator: Mr.Štefan Simončič
9.       Spain, Fons Formació Zona Mediterrània, S.L.L. Coordinator::Mr. Montserrat Renedo Navarro
10.     Sweden, Viksjöforsbaletten. Coordinator: Mrs.Helena Ehrstrand
11.      United Kingdom, Upperby Community Development Centre. Coordinators: Mrs.Carol Wilson and Mr. William Atkinson

Successful Projects
1.        United Kingdom, Upperby Community Development Centre.Coordinator: Mrs.Carol Wilson
2.       Sweden, Viksjöforsbaletten. Coordinator: Mrs.Helena Ehrstrand
3.       Spain, Fons Formació Zona Mediterrània, S.L.L. Coordinator::Mr. Montserrat Renedo Navarro
4.       Slovenia, Znanstveno raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturno-izobraževalne programe in tehnologijo EpeKa. Coordinator: Mr.Štefan Simončič
5.       Portugal, Junta de Freguesia da Vila de S. Tomé de Negrelos. Coordinator: Mr. José Moreira
Break, socializing
6.       Poland, Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Rozwoju                   Gminy Zychlin. Coordinator: Mrs. Iwona Kciuk
7.       Italy, Polo Europeo della Conoscenza-
IC      LORENZI. Presenters: Ivo Zambello,                       Salvatore  Filella
      8.    Hungary, Telek 23 KFT (SITE 23 LTD)
             Coordinator: Mrs. Fazekas Katalin
       9. The Czech Republic , Diecézní charita              ostravsko-opavská. Coordinator: Mr. Filip Habrman
     10.  Cyprus: Eυρωπολιτισμοσ- Euroculture
              Coordinator: Mr. Kleanthis Symeonides
      11. Romania: Info Project, coordinating     institution. Coordinator: Mrs. Mariana Gabriela Hudrea
Panel Discussions
Festive Dinner
4 November

Meeting Local Associations
Meeting the people from Esperando Association
Generation Gap- Debate organized by the Youth Association from  M. E. National College
1.        Introduction of the project partners
2.       The Rosemberg self-esteem scale
3.       Presentation of successful European Projects in which the youth are involved
4.       Debate on the generation gap
Project Issues
1.        Re planning the project meetings
2.       How to prepare the project  products
3.       Difficulties
Break, socializing
Project Issues- Continuation
5 November


How was the population of Maramures county affected by the economic crises? Social and economic issues of the locals. The rate of unemployment. (Mr. Victor Mihu, AJOFM representative)
The County Library- The meeting place of Young and Adults. How did  the library manage to become the HUB of the local community?
Maramures County vs. the Economic Crises
Maramures County and its history
Conclusions of the meeting
6 November

Departure of participants

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Preparing the project reunion

All the 11 teams are working hard  for the project meeting in Baia Mare.
They have all planned their trip .
We  have made the arrangements  for accommodation.
The teams are  working  for the brochures  and  for the two presentations  to be delivered  during the reunion.
Cyprus will not  be present  but they have sent the materials  for the reunion and we will keep a permanent contact  with them.
We all  hope the meeting will be a great success.