Generation gap
– a real problem or just a human figment?
Most people think that
generation gap manifests itself through differences in mentality, outlook and
the perception of self. I strongly believe that generation gap is nothing more
than unnecessarily invented term of differences in personality. I
agree with the statement by by Richard C. Adelman “The
generation gap is an immensely misleading term. It implies that people from
different generations are inherently different whereas people within a generation
are inherently similar.” This quote is from the book Aging
Awakenings: Assisted Living Residents Teach University Students to
Overcome Ageism.
It is indisputable
that young and adults sometimes have
different point of view. Having own opinion and disagreeing with the
others is a vital feature of personality
of human beings and it is not
connected with the age and so called generation gap. There are a lot of
conflicts among people of the same age group, for instance conflicts
among children at school, workers and politicians. . Generation gap is basically
created by the people themselves. They don't talk to their children and share
their own points of views with the children.
The point is that the parents are
just so busy with their work and jobs that they don't have time for their
family and their children. And they realize it when there has a huge distance
between the kids and the parents. The point is if parents give their children
some time from their busy schedule then there would be no such a problem.
Many people state that there is parents
– children conflict because the
childhood of parents was completely different than their children. Partly it is
true, technology has changed our lives. Today, we
take the Internet and the ability to communicate instantly with anyone,
anywhere for granted. It is the norm for us. For our parents and our
grandparents, this was not the case. While today's youth have grown up
surrounded by computers, their parents did not. As a result, the young generation
is more comfortable with technology because it has grown along with them. They
don’t have to learn anything new. From the end of the XX Century technology is developing as fast as ever.
Unfortunately, a lot of middle-aged or elderly people think that they are too
old to learn new technology what is nonsense. It seems to me that a lot of
people don’t believe in their abilities. It
is not connected with the age but rather with their personality. I know
a lot of people of my age with very low self-esteem, they are afraid of defeat.
I strongly believe that life experience, not only childhood builds personality.
Looking for conflicts is a part of human nature and it had ever been. Quarrels
and conflicts caused by different views have
always existed but as I mentioned before it concerns people from all age groups
without exceptions.
Ability to listen to others, being open-minded , patient and tolerant
are important to cooperate with
the others without conflicts. I had
never problems with anyone caused by so called “generation gap”. There are four
important conditions that I mentioned
above to carry on a cultural conversation. What is more, as everyone knows , children are
like ” a clear piece
of paper” and a lot of their behaviour are inherited from their parents. Contrary to most people
believe, I think that conflicts in human
society depend on personality and the baggage of experience, rather than
generation gap. If everyone gets involved to improve his social skills and believes in himself, there will be no conflicts.